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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  June 27, 2017 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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report until may. but they are required to report immediately. that is troubling and it makes me angry. >> reporter: coach at the monterey county aquatics club. tonight the san jose unified school district confirms he was also assistant coach at pioneer high school. win did pass a criminal background check before they hired him offer at pioneer high school. we should mention there is actually a swim meet going on right now involving quick silver. >> the waiting continues for the family of a missing san francisco man. are the remains found in a warehouse those of chhay.
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the main suspect is his friend tang. authorities believe tang fled to cambodia. they are now waiting for the dna test results. family members still can't fathom what is going on. >> we are sad and disappointed. >> he has been missing since mother's day. he van nished after telling his wife he was going to see his friend bob tang. >> hundreds of caged birds were found in a backyard of a home in east bay. tonight a potential solution on what to do with the exotic birds. keeping them on the property violates county and state regulation.
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the landowner is refusing to give up the birds. >> reporter: the smell isn't as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago when we had a reporter out here. and you can see some of the success they have gotten right in the front of the property, all of these cages represent hundreds of birds that have been taken off of the property by the owner finding homes for the birds. this is exactly the change that the other property owners were hoping for. the 500 cage exotic birds were causing noise pollutions offensive odors and fly swarms. this was being operated a lot like a puppy mill. some birds for sale as much as $2,000 each. the owner has already found homes for 250 of them. the neighborhood is already
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seeing a difference. >> in the amount of noise, in the amount of flies and some of the odors, and so they feel better and they will be happy to get to 50 birds and hope that has a much less impact than the 500 had. >> reporter: one person living on the property told us two weeks ago, the birds are a hobby for the owner and have been trying to sell them on craigslist. the owner has 30 days to reduce the population to 50 birds. the property owner was out here about an hour and a half ago. i tried to talk to her, she wouldn't acknowledge our presence. we are live in castro valley. >> a man arrested in newark
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because of this accused of trying to sell illegal fireworks. investigators say the man was advertising on craig's list. so an officer went under cover and made the arrest. enjoy your fourth of july but leave your fireworks to the experts. a brush fire in marin county is to be fully contained. no word yet on a cause. now coming up in ten minutes, a new long-term forecast, what is in store for the rest of the summer. >> there are no allegations of racial disparity relating to the sfpd. this comes from a report by the public defender's office. blacks average longer jail times
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than whites. people of color are more likely to be overcharged when booked by police. prosecutors often drop charges the initial impression causes a ripple effect that still results in more jail time. >> how are officers making decisions as to which crime to charge. and if they are inflating charges against a specific ethnic group, why is that happening? >> sfpd says officers charge people based on evidence and probable cause. and what happens after that is up to the da's office. >> in a conference call, governor brown joins others to examine how the bill would affect california residents.
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the state would lose $24 billion in federal money in medical. and funding for drug treatment would be eliminated. senate republican leaders announced they are delaying the vote on the bill after confirming they didn't have enough votes to pass it. nbc blayne alex and sander is l washington. >> reporter: republicans are not happy about the timing. this delay is what they have been trying to avoid. they didn't want to send their members home for break without having this done. they don't want them to face potentially angry town halls that may be awaiting them in their district. and two, they didn't want to lose momentum. on capitol hill protesters celebrating. news that the gop health care
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vote is a no-go, at least, for now. president trump jumping directly into the fight. hoping to find common ground in his party. >> it would be great if we get it done and if we don't get it done, it is going to be something that we are not going to like and that is okay. and i understand that. >> reporter: republican leaders postponing the vote they were pushing to hold. >> they are hard to pull together and hard to pass. >> reporter: the biggest hurdle for republicans, the numbers. at least, five gop senators coming out against the bill when the party could only afford to lose two. one of the holdouts senator m k musk -- murkowski.
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>> we are going to talk and see what we can do. >> reporter: republicans now going to regroup. now remember this is not unfamiliar territory for the president and his party. the house version of this bill suffered the same initial fate. the leaders were able to go back and change around a number of things before they were passed it a few weeks later. >> thanks. our coverage continues on nbc nightly news. how republicans plan to regroup before bringing up that bill again. lester holt joins us at 5:30. >> two years after president obama expanded california's marine sanctuary, president trump wants to reverse this
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move. mr. trump says it clears the way for jobs in energy presumably oil drilling. this week the public comment period opened and senator feinstein is urging californians to go online -- go to our website nbc bay you can voice your opinion. it is now official flavored tobacco is out in san francisco. county supervisors voted to prohibit the sale. the ban will protect low income teenagers who have been targeted with flavored tobacco products. shop owners have argued this will put them out of business. the new ordnance will take effect of april of next year.
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san francisco minimum wage is going up to $14 an hour. the organization wanted to get the word out to san franciscans. >> we wanted to get the word out to people who are on their way to work or coming back to work. >> the minimum wage is $10.74 an hour in the city. san jose is also going up. increasing to $12 an hour. coming up why some parents say they still have no intention of sending their kids to that school. also a cliff side repair goes horribly wrong. the accident along the cost that left several people injured.
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>> the ocean air-conditioning on overdrive. a cool night out at at&t with the giants coming up. seven-day forecast brings the return of 90s. when you can expect the hottest temperatures. would you let your kids go to
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school on a toxic site? plans are moving forward to buil would you let your kids go
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to school on a toxic site? plans are moving forward to build an elementary school. the school district plans to clean up the site off pete hill in morgan hill. marianne favro is there. >> reporter: a packed meeting as the school board decides whether to give the green light in cleaning up the soil. a lot of parents wie spoke to today feared the risk to their kids would remain. a family donated the land worth $9 million. the soil contained high level of
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pesticide. linked to liver problems and tremors. >> my biggest concern is that it is on a plot of land that is extremely toxic. >> reporter: which is why she says she will not send her kids to the new school even though it is three blocks from her home. >> the health of the students is number one. we are considering the appropriate measures in order to make sure that the soil at a higher level than it is for residential development is removed for that school to be built. >> reporter: melissa says more than 100 people have signed an online petition urging the district not to build here. >> it is not feasible to be able to clean up that amount of the
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toxin. >> reporter: the board is still discussing the issue. the school district says because of increasing enrollment it badly needs a new school. thanks. scarey moments, it happened around 11:30 this morning. the cliff erode and causes the scaffolding to collapse. two people were rushed to the hospital listed at critical condition. according to the city, 3200 donors contributed to the fund including individuals and corporate groups. in february, the creek overflowed its bank forcing evacuations. >> forecasters are predicting a hotter than usual summer for almost the entire country.
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joining us live from san jose for what many are enjoying what could be the last cool weather we will see from a while. >> reporter: this place has been packed with people enjoying the perfect weather today. forecasters say it is not going to last. whether you are watching your kids run through the fountains or taking a break in the shade, the weather doesn't get much bet er than this. >> it is gorgeous. >> reporter: forecasters say enjoy it while it lasts. >> they are saying that the united states does look warmer than average and alaska. >> reporter: but meteorologist says it is important to read the
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fine print. 40% to 50% chance that we are going to be warmer. i don't particularly call that exciting. for the bay area, if our average is 84 and we come in at 85, yes we are hotter than average, but not blisteringly hot. when i see a picture like this and everything is warming, i would tend to figure that climate change has a prepondera fingerprint in there. >> now it is perfect. but whenever the heat wave comes, it is too hot. >> reporter: likely to be warmer than usual this summer doesn't mean we are going to be warmer than last week. >> i like that kid in the fountain there. >> i know.
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enjoying it. >> that was the place to be last week. now it is interesting working on the next three months, the outlook is for slightly above averages. let's go to the map. for the bay area specifically, you are looking at about 40% slightly above average chance of those above average temperatures. the area in red for arizona, southern california, nevada mirroring the trend that we had last week. greater chance above average temperatures for the three-month period. interesting when you look at the map, temporarily the central and southern sierra see reduced risk for having wild fires. but thanks to the recent rain we had in the beginning of the
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year, by the time we get into early august, completely dry out. this could accelerate the spread of significant wild fires thanks to the rain and precipitation we had last winter. we have got cool marine air keeping our temperatures down. 67 in oakland. and in san jose 71 degrees downtown. and the kick off of american flag football league. seeing cool and breezy evening. speaking of the wind, that has been an all day sea breeze moving over the cool specific ocean with ocean temperatures still in the mid to upper 50s. that is what we call ocean air-conditioning. marine level close to 2500 feet thick, no problem pushing into
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the bay area. you may notice that we will have drizzle at times with temperatures starting the day in the mid-50s. along the coast inner east bay could be enough to measure. in terms of the mist that will be coming down at times for tomorrow. clearing skies by mid to late mornings. as we go in the afternoon, high temperatures. mid-80s. san francisco in the mid-60s. here is the warm up, you are seeing it in the seven-day forecast. san francisco will climb close to 70. not all that bad. nothing like we saw last week and for the valley, two days, friday and saturday low nig90 i
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possible and fourth of july, not all that bad. >> that is an excellent holiday forecast. thanks, rob. >> the biggest fine of its kind is a $3 billion problem for google happening now on our website,
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==reveal== the budget just signed by governor brown includes a $3 bili . happening now on our website, a budget signed by governor brown california budget gives education a $3 billion raise. a quarter of the world's population now part of the social network. be right back with more news. just over a year ago, a new law
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in california allowed terminally ill adults, to get drugto just over a year ago a new law in california allowed terminally illadults get drugs to end their life. the report says 191 people received prescription for the drug. of those 111 of them took the drug and ended their lives. of those who took their lives
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nearly half had cancer. the annual report is required by law. google has been slapped with a hefty fine. regulators say google promoted its own products even when other products were better deals for customers and that violates eu anti trust rules. three months to stop the practice. the company says it didn't do anything wrong. >> mafacebook announced it will hire 3,000 more people. the company has been criticized for violent videos posted. the new workers will be on board next year. this doubles the size of the existing facebook team that
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monitors hate speech. >> the force will soon be arriving in los angeles. today the l.a. still council put a stamp of approval on lucas museum. museum's president says the exhibits will include story boards and props from the movie. open to the public in 2021. >> that needs to be here. >> i know. >> up next, celebrities on the cal campus are getting ready to fly. a pricey parking proposal on the
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peninsula. ==take vo== the moves city ld tonight at 6:00 a pricing parking proposal on the peninsula. it is going to impact people who work or simply visit palo alto. home to a family of falcons last month. photos courtesy of uc berkeley now ready to take its flight. they can be good at flying but
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bad at landing. a volunteer will be right there and protect it from vehicles or other threats and get it back in the air. >> thanks for joining us. breaking news tonight. they won't vote. senate republicans retreat on a plan to push through an obamacare repeal this week. losing support, all gop senators summoned to the white house. heavy price. the trump administration threatens military action, warning assad may be preparing for another chemical attack on the syrian people. held for ransom. a massive cyber attack hitting airlines, banks and utilities around the world, even an american pharmaceutical giant. hackers demanding money, holding computer systems hostage. chaos underground. dozens injured after a subway derails in new york city. passengers evacuated through smoke and darkness. and battle of the


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